Heybase vs. Ahsuite

Heybase vs. Ahsuite (2024 Comparison)

Almost everyone has used PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides at one point. These tools have been the GOAT for sales decks, enhancing deal closures through effective knowledge sharing and content management. 

But with the fast-paced progress in technology, it’s safe to say that better options exist for presenting to clients, including Heybase vs. Ahsuite. Whether you require faster conversions or want to get your organization game on top, this in-depth comparison has got you covered.

Heybase vs. Ahsuite at a Glance

A responsive presentation is a must-have if you want to appear professional to your clients. You’ve got the opportunity and completed your research. It’s time to get yourself out there and nail the presentation. 

We’ve prepared a side-by-side feature analysis of both Ahsuite and Heybase features to help you get the best tool to eliminate issues like corrupted files and software incompatibility. 


Heybase is an online digital sales room designed to accelerate the sales process and create personalized buyer experiences. It offers a drag-and-drop interface builder for pitch deck development and a real-time activity tracker, which enhances the sales process and buyer experience.


Ahsuite, on the other hand, is a client portal software that centralizes communication and collaboration for remote workers, freelancers, and small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs).  It provides content embedding, task management, white-label portals, customizable branding, and resource allocation. 

How Heybase and Ahsuite Stack Up

Exploring two powerhouses, let’s delve deeper into how Heybase and Ahsuite measure against each other regarding features, usability, and overall experience.

Pricing– Essential ($19)
– Growth ($39)
– Enterprise (Contact Sales)
– Free (10 Portals)
– Professional ($24)
– Agency ($57)
Key Features– Embed Blocks
– Drag and Drop UI Builder
– Templates
– Analytics
– Custom Domain and Branding
– Views
– Conversation
– Tasks
– Files
– Password Manager
– Work Journals
– File Approval
– While Label Client Portals
Collaboration & CommunicationFocused on Accelerating Personalized Buyer ExperienceFocused on Centralizing Communication, Tasks, and Client Management
User Interface & ExperienceNotion-like Drag-and-Drop BuilderPortal-Based Client Management and Collaboration
Customizations & IntegrationsZapierZapier and Pabbly
Customer Service & Support8.8 on G29.7 on G2
User Reviews Read Heybase reviews on G2Read Ahsuite reviews on G2

Heybase vs. Ahsuite Feature Comparison

Do you need features that accelerate your lead pipelines, or are you looking to centralize your tools in one place? In this section, we’ll dive deep into the features and differences of these two top-notch platforms. 

Client Portal

Ahsuite’s Client Portal is all about security and convenience. It’s user-focused, with built-in features like messaging, task management, and file approval that support collaboration across clients and teams. Its multi-page option ensures easy readability and engagement when presenting information-dense “Views” within the client portal. 

In addition, Ahsuite allows users to secure their information by regenerating links and setting passwords. This is useful for law and accounting firms. However, the platform lacks drag-and-drop functionality.

ahsuite client portal

On the other hand, Heybase focuses on user experience with its drag-and-drop feature. The platform’s setup is intuitive, especially if you know how Notion commands work. It also has a built-in behavior tracker, a valuable tool for ensuring your leads view your intended content.

While Heybase offers a modern look and pre-defined templates, some might find it leans more toward sales than general business management. And for some reason, there are instances where adblockers may hinder some users’ experiences. 

heybase client portal

Heybase is geared towards user experience and sales-focused tasks, while Ahsuite emphasizes comprehensive security and versatile business management. Both don’t require coding knowledge to embed files and showcase your results efficiently. 

File and Task Manager

For those seeking in-depth organization and task tracking, Ahsuite would be an excellent option. Users can assign tasks, share files, and organize with set permissions. It also features kanban and calendar views and powerful filters. 

ahsuite task manager

Conversely, Heybase offers a room-based approach, skipping dedicated tools. While this makes for a minimalistic system, users might need help remembering file locations due to a missing centralized file management and some hiccups during uploads.

heybase file manager

If you want to consolidate tech tools in one place, Ahsuite might be your best bet. But if you prefer a simplified, room-based setup and don’t mind a bit of manual organization, Heybase offers a unique approach.

Password Management

Ahsuite has a password manager, allowing secure password sharing for all portal members. It’s an intuitive and user-focused addition that elevates the platform’s functionality for professionals.

ahsuite password manager

It’s important to note that Heybase doesn’t include a password manager. Depending on your needs, this may be a crucial feature to consider.


Ahsuite and Heybase both offer client portal solutions with messaging features. Ahsuite focuses on a clean and minimalist design, providing a secure messaging portal with search functionality for easy organization. 

ahsuite conversations

On the other hand, Heybase is a deal acceleration and virtual selling platform that allows users to create personalized content for proposals and decks. 

heybase conversations

While both platforms facilitate communication and collaboration, Ahsuite’s message search functionality makes it one step ahead of Heybase regarding organization and tracking. 

Customization & Integration

If there’s one thing that both Ahsuite and Heybase are on par, it’s the integration with Zapier. These integrations help users centralize their workflows with easy connections. Their support for API webhooks is a nod to intuitive data sync with CRMs. 

And when it comes to embedding? You can add videos, texts, images, forms, collections, media, and content from other websites like Twitter as long as they generate embed codes. Think Google Workspace, YouTube, Calendly, and more—a treat for creating a streamlined space for clients and teams.

Ease of Use

Both Ahsuite and Heybase are user-friendly and modern. Ahsuite adds extra clarity with visual cues and quick overviews. Heybase scores slightly higher for setup at 9.4, but Ahsuite is easier to use once everything is in motion, with a score of 9.2 compared to Heybase’s 8.9.

User Feedback

Users commend Ahsuite for its clean, user-focused interface, making client asset management easy and intuitive. Its ability to centralize tasks, notifications, and data points is a win. However, some desire a more modern layout and adequate font visibility, noting the platform’s current growth phase and potential for refinement.

Heybase boosts open rates for sales proposals, emphasizing its role in efficient customer outreach. Users appreciate its modern approach to document organization, eliminating bulky email attachments. Yet, there’s a demand for a more intuitive UI/UX and broader integrations, indicating room for improvement.

Pricing & Plans

If you’re navigating the pricing options, this section compares Heybase and Ahsuite plans to help find the best fit for your budget.

Ahsuite Pricing: 

  • Free (10 Portals)
  • Professional ($24)
  • Agency ($57)

Heybase Pricing: 

  • Essential ($19)
  • Growth ($39)
  • Enterprise (Contact Sales)

Customer Service & Support

Ahsuite boasts a commendable support rating of 9.7, indicating a responsive, user-focused approach surpassing the category’s average. In contrast, Heybase trails slightly with an 8.8 score. Despite its modern features, users eyeing intuitive and easy interactions might consider this when weighing options.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Heybase and Ahsuite

Before settling on Heybase or Ahsuite, weighing specific considerations is crucial. This section outlines key factors to guide your decision-making process, ensuring an informed choice.

  • Purpose: We included this factor because understanding the core objective of each software ensures it aligns with users’ needs. 
  • Key Features: By implementing this criterion, you can discern which platform offers essential tools for your operations.
  • Integrations: This factor is vital because seamless integration with third-party tools can expand a platform’s capabilities. 
  • Customization: We emphasized this because a platform’s adaptability to a user’s brand identity can enhance professionalism. 
  • Pricing: Considering pricing is crucial as it ensures users get value without straining their budgets.
  • User Experience: User feedback is a testament to a platform’s efficacy. We included this to give potential users a feel of what to expect, drawing from the experiences of current users.
  • Customer Support: We highlighted this because timely support can be the deciding factor for many users. A platform’s commitment to aiding its users often reflects its overall quality.

Alternatives to Heybase and Ahsuite

Are you exploring beyond Heybase and Ahsuite? Here, we spotlight other noteworthy solutions in the market that align with your specific needs and preferences.

SuiteDashClinkedZoho CRM
Free Trial14 days10 days15 days
Starting PriceStart Plan ($14)Lite Plan ($119)Standard ($20)
Key Features– Project Management
– Invoicing and Billing
– Document Management
– Team Collaboration 
– White Label Branding
– Integrations
– Task Management
– File Management
– Group Discussion
– Team Calendar
– Mobile App
– Activity Stream
– Salesforce Automation
– Process Management
– Omnichannel Communication
– Analytics
– Partner Portals- Calendar
– Integrations
User ReviewsRead SuiteDash reviews on G2Read Clinked reviews on G2Read Zoho CRM reviews on G2

The Bottom Line

Regarding the final call between Ahsuite and Heybase, it’s essential to understand the distinct areas in which each platform excels. 

Heybase empowers sales teams with tools like a salesroom builder, engagement, and live chat, Creating responsive and personalized experiences for clients has never been easier. Its predictive insights help accelerate the sales cycle. 

Ahsuite is user-friendly with task management, workflows, talent networking, and affordable pricing. It’s perfect for professional services and businesses needing client portals.

In addition, Ahsuite has a user-friendly interface and excellent customer support. It offers task and file management systems to enhance the overall client experience. 

Try their free Starter package to access up to 10 client portals and test their capabilities.

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